Music Fundamentals


If you are an instructor, please request a free access code and a desk copy of the workbook by emailing us through the "Contact us" link or directly at
Every other user can purchase the workbook (it comes with an access code for the eText) or only an access code to the eText through our online store ("Buy Access" link).

First-time users can register using the following steps:
  1. Enter your email address
  2. Enter a password (at least 8 characters long) and then click the "Register/Login" button
  3. Enter your unique access code (found in your workbook) and then click the "Submit" button

Returning users can login by entering the email address and password selected during the registration process.

Enter your email address:
Enter your password:
(this is not your access code!)
If you forgot your password, enter your email address above and then click